TBSC staff & Patrons are proud of Directors Mr. & Mrs. Blair testimonials in support... of SB 485 Senator Eddie Melton, author. #sheddinglightonblindness
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Bill SB 485:https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/senate/485
INDIANA COMMITTEE HEARING SUMMARY!!!!! SB 485, to establish a home modification loan pilot program (in 3 northwest counties to start) for persons with disabilities in need of accessibility changes to their home, was heard before the Senate Family & Children Services Committee.
Those testifying in SUPPORT of the bill were:
Senator Melton (author)
Members of the The Blind Social Center Gary
Indiana Area Agencies on Aging
Prosperity Indiana
No one testified against the bill. Overall, the FHCCI is supportive of this bill because it allows people to age in place in the housing of their choice, versus expensive nursing home care.
The bill was not voted on in committee due to need of "clean up" regarding the current $500,000 appropriation and infrastructure of set up of the program within the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority. Discussion also occurred as to whether the program would be zero or low interest loans or grants. Feedback from the committee appeared positive if the amendments could be made to the bill timely.
Contact members of the Senate Family & Children Services Committee! Let them know you want this program!
Senate Family & Children Services Committee: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/committees/family_and_children